Popple. An agricultural term applied to the final stages in defecation when the terminal section of the rectum is forcibly contracted by the action of the levator ani and other perineal muscles. Refers to man and animals; but when the horse is spoken of, then the penultimate stage (see Cauliflower) is included in the idea, when the 'rose' or 'popple' makes its appearance.
- To produce the effect described above.
- Of man; to suffer the somewhat distressing feeling due to the semi-voluntry contraction of the sphincter muscle under certain conditions, such as violent purging.
Also said of the anus of a lean weak old horse which, when the horse walks, recedes and comes forward with each step.
Figuratively -  of a man idling and staggering backwards and forwards, that he is popplin' aboot.

Cauliflower. Agricultural term applied to the penultimate stage of defecation in the horse, when the terminal section of the rectum is everted by the action of the recto-coccygeal muscles ; the appearance produced is that of a cauliflower head having a pale rose-coloured edge. If the Cauliflower expands with a tremulous motion, the horse is considered to be of a nervous temperament.
He shows the cauliflower (J. AR).
- To cauliflower ; to act as above.       Cf. Popple
Cauliflowerer. Applied to a horse whose cauliflowering is under observation for good or bad.
A nice likely beast but wad niver stan' wark ; seesta what sic a cauliflowerer he is (J. AR.)

When people travelled everywhere by horse and cart they were afforded the opportunity to study the anus of the horse and the mechanism of defecation in great detail.